Our vision and values here at Handmade Nottingham

Our aim is to spread joy and brighten up your day with beautiful products made by lovely people. We want to be a little ray of sunshine in your day and love nothing more than hearing our customers have a giggle, ooh or awww while browsing the shop. Gifts can be a great way to let someone know you care and we love to be able to help you spread joy.

Everyone is welcome!
No matter your race, age, gender or sexuality we believe people should be free to be who they are. As long as you're not doing any harm, you do you!

We are proud to only work with UK independent designer makers bringing you gorgeous design led products. We are also completely self funded. It has been a slow journey and it's not been easy working on a budget but it's so exciting to see where we are now! This means your money goes direct to the people that make and curate your products.

It's important to us to keep things local and help other small businesses grow. This has benefits on the environment and helping to reduce our carbon footprint. It also keeps your money local and going direct to the amazing people that work so hard to create beautiful things.

We strongly believe that it's better to work together than against each other. We are stronger together and need to continue to raise each other up.

Your community is yours! Where you choose to spend your money shapes your local community. We love Nottingham and are proud to be part of the indie scene here and want it to thrive so we will always be shouting from the rooftops about all the awesome small businesses out there.

Meet Rhea
Hello! I'm Rhea and I founded HN. I never actually planned to open a shop but in 2014 an opportunity arose to open up a pop up shop for Christmas. At the time I was a designer maker trying to get my products out there. I had collaborated with many designers prior at various events and thought a pop up would be the next step for getting our products on the high street. After the pop up period ended I decided to take the leap and continue running the shop. Gradually I stopped making my own products and began to focus on growing HN and poured all my retail knowledge and creativity in to it.
HN started on a shoe string and is completely self funded. It has been a slow journey and it's not been easy working on a budget but HN has grown from strength to strength. Including moving from our first shop which stocked 40 designers to moving to a larger shop which now stocks 100+ designers!
Supporting indies is my passion and it feels me with so much joy! Whether it's helping fellow indies get their products out there or shopping indie myself wherever I can it simply warms my heart. When you shop indie you know your money is going direct to the creators involved and that is a wonderful thing!